Lisa Bubert is a Nashville-based writer, editor, and owner of All Things Words.


Lisa knows what it means to be a writer. 

With over a decade of experience in the literary industry, she knows what it’s like to spend years bringing a story to the page. She knows what it’s like to come back to the work on the hardest days. She’s with you in the submission trenches.
She knows what is it takes to get to the next level. 

And she is here to help.

Responsive communicator. Respectful reader.

Rescuer of messy drafts.

Services Include:


Developmental Editing & Manuscript Evaluation

Let’s make your manuscript the best it can be.

As a developmental editor, Lisa will take your work through several editorial rounds, each time providing you with an in-depth editorial letter and notes within your manuscript, with special attention paid to plotting, characterization, pacing, and all the good stuff that makes a book worth reading.

Line-editing &

Let’s polish your manuscript for publication.

It is no small task to write a book, and it is no small task to write a book that is publication-ready. When you’ve gone through round after round of editing, your eyes become blind to the small stuff. “You’re” becomes “your.” That character known as Lora becomes Sophie on page 52. Was that half-blank page always there? Lisa is that second set of eyes you’ve been looking for.