My Rates
Developmental Editing & Manuscript Critique
For a developmental edit, I provide you with an in-depth editorial letter, notes within your manuscript.
Manuscript critiques are less-involved—more like a broad overview or gut check of your manuscript before moving on to the next stage.
Developmental Rates are .025/word
Manuscript Critique Rates are .015/word
Minimum $250 per project for shorter pieces.
Line/Copy Editing & Proofreading
I will become the ‘fine tooth’ comb to your manuscript. Deliverables include your manuscript with tracked changes plus a clean copy with changes accepted.
Rates are .04/.03 per word for line/copy editing
Rates are .015/word for proofreading
Minimum $250 per project for shorter pieces.
Story Coaching/Consultation Calls
You ever just need to talk through your manuscript with someone? I’m here for you. We can talk via phone, Zoom, or even in-person if geographically possible.
Consultation calls are $150/hour
Story coaching rates vary based on need and project
Minimum $150 even for shorter calls.
Picture Books & Writing for Children
I have been doing story time for unruly crowds of babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age kids for over 15 years now. I know picture books.
Rates vary based on need and project
My rates in a Nutshell
.025/word for developmental editing
.015/word for manuscript critique
.04/word for line editing
.03/word for copy editing
.015/word for proofreading
(Minimum $250 for all projects)
$150 for one-hour consultation